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Interested in a Bella Vida Instant BBL but not in Miami? Find certified providers across the country that have been trained by the Booty Queen™ herself!

Find an Expert Who’s Trained on the Bella Vida Instant BBL™

The overwhelming demand for the Bella Vida Instant BBL™ in and outside Florida has led to Iani training other well experienced, talented providers herself! This means you can get the signature service at locations that we’ve personally given our stamp of approval! We’re so impressed by these providers’ commitment to learning and practicing this innovative service, which is why you’ll find them listed here. Use the lookup tool to see where you can get a Bella Vida Instant BBL™ near you!

      Become a Bella Vida Instant BBL™ Provider

      Elevate your practice and transform your clients’ lives today by unlocking the future of body sculpting by becoming a Bella Vida Instant BBL™ provider!